Our faith is at the heart of everything that we do at Galilee. We are committed to our faith community, fostering an environment where we educate the whole person and encouraging everyone to reach their full potential.
Religious Education at Galilee aims to help students grow in relationship with God. We aim to build on the experiences of each student, enhance their opportunity for rich dialogue with others and allow them to form them own understandings and make deep connections with their faith as they form their Catholic identity.
We regularly celebrate together at Mass and in school based liturgies and we embrace all available opportunities to gather together with the parishes of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Middle Park, Ss Peter and Paul,South Melbourne and St. Joseph's Port Melbourne.
MACS schools use the Religious Education Curriculum Framework as the direction of the learning structure of Catholic education.
The learning structure has three integrated components:
- three strands of learning: Knowledge and Understanding; Reasoning and Responding; Personal and Communal Engagement
- five content areas: Jesus and Scripture; Church and Community; God, Religion and Life; Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament; Morality and Justice. These each have content descriptors
- achievement standards.
For more information about the Religious Education Curriculum Framework, please see the MACS RE Framework page.