
Galilee uses a range of ways to communicate with parents. Each communication method has a different purpose which we have stepped out below: 


  • PTO – appointments, parent teacher interviews.
  • Operoo (previously called Caremonkey) – Emergency contact information, medical information, permission forms and surveys.
  • School Bulletin – general information about the school, important dates and what’s happening at Galilee and reports from different classes. The School Bulletin is sent out every Thursday.
  • School calendar
    • found here with key dates for parents
  • Dojo –classroom teachers use this for communication / informing parents about classroom learning
  • Email – unforeseen changes or reminders, communication with teachers and parents.
  • Phone – urgent matters.


Please be aware that although staff are contactable in many different forms, they may not always be able to check and respond to communication throughout the school day. They will of course endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible, within school hours.


Click here to see a presentation about the different forms of communication used at Galilee for different reasons. There are videos and instructions for some of the different platforms


© Copyright Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School